Random Moves Generator and Replays Moves Extraction
Hi Toribash Community,
I've seen a good Lua script for Toribash in the following thread :
I was thinking of Pimping it so i wrote the RRMoves.lua Script based on the MoveMemory.lua Script.
RR stand for Random and Replay. You can use this script to get the Moves of a saved Replay or to generate a Random Move while multi player playing.
Before starting getting moves from a replay you have to link the ".../Toribash/replay/" folder to "../Toribash/data/script/rpl" to get access to your replays with the RRMoves.lua script
To generate a random move only just copy RRMoves.lua into your Toribash script folder
The Hot keys are :
"/ls RRMoves.lua"
Press 'm' to navigate to the next random move and 'n' for previous random saved move ...
Make sure you have linked your Toribash replay folder into .../Toribash/data/script/rpl/
"/ec CR [player number] [replay.rpl]"
"/ec Convert_Replay [player number] [replay.rpl]" to convert a Replay from [player number] = 0 or 1. Those two command are actually converting and loading a replay and then you can navigate with 'm' and 'n' and use it in a Fight.... You'll see that if you press 'm' and go ahead the converted and loaded number of moves it will generate new moves.
"/ec SF [file]" Save Moves into a specific file
"/ec LF [file]" Load a given file which have been previously saved else the default file will be used which is RRMoves.txt
And I've kept the function of MoveMemory.lua
"/ec save [My Move]" to save a new move called My Move.
"/ec save1 [My Move]" to save from player 1. "save2" from player 2. Useful for multi player.
"/ec width NUMBER" to change the width of the menu. (eg. /ec width 150)
"/ec set key" to change the menu key.
Info: The Script is a mess inside it but at least it is working...
I'll make it better coded if I've got the motivation...
Do not hesitate to give feedback....!!!
Last edited by DisD; Nov 21, 2014 at 05:12 AM.
Reason: Player number 0 or 1