Original Post
Little problem with DAT
Hi! I think our forum is... Inactive or something. I dk was this idea earlier. We should do some tori-events or art competicions. And for winning they will get some prize or status, orr... Well you understand me I hope it will work)
All new ideas are doomed in this clan, lol. I have made many suggestion on how to make this clan better and all of them have been killed.
Hmm bad i even can donate some items like a prize on events But killed why and who killed them?)
Ye little tourney With little prize, well not very little. I can donate some items if tourney really will be hosted!!!
Woow NICE then! When will be tourney? And do you need my donate. Not big but donate (nox. relax, gold torso, sapphire force, shaman emote) And who to i need to send items if YES?