Christmas Lottery
Original Post
A bit of feedback please.
What do you think fo this head, ill make it intoa sets oon, constructive critism please, this is my first of this type.
Very nice, there's a seam on the back that needs fixing but other than that, great work. Can't wait for the set.


<Phail> Everyone knows GMs can combust your videocard temporarily
<decimat0r1> let those bitches try
the back could use a little work, if you're using photoshop, then use the filter>other>offset, to get a view of the back of the head, then you can edit it, withought ruining the seam.
Former Item Forger
Pretty cool =) The already said what needs to be said so I'll just state my opinion:

Not my type, but well made. You're improving from what I can see ^^
yeh nice, i dont like the glow between the eyes and the lines above it, and the seam on the back 8/10
Clan Sigma Council
BnW Member
GLow is Ftw i mite make me new textures when i get home in a months time, me wanna make anime set :P.

Btw nice nice
JaCk Is BaCk