Original Post
Welp with my router pl0x
So like, you know how they give you a CD to install the Drivers/software associated with the device when you buy it?
Recently, I formatted my PC so I can't really connect to the internet.
I pretty much lost the CD over an year ago and I can't seem to find it.I looked through the net.
Found out that D-link website allows us to download the soft Ware.
I can't be bothered posting links,but it said not to download the drivers/firmware when if i bought it from SE-Asia. But it doesn't say I can't download the software. (Yes, bought it in Se Asia)
If I download the software I should be able to connect to the internet I assume?
Waht do I do to get it to work?
Last edited by clipsall; Oct 21, 2014 at 10:06 PM.
You don't need to install any software on your router or computer to connect to the internet.

When you reinstall windows it should be fine.

You don't need to install any software on your computer when you change routers either. The maximum you might need to do is install your network drivers from your motherboard's website, but only in rare cases, it should work fine straight away.

Who initially configured your router?
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Like immortalpig said. However if you're using let's say an external wireless device to hook up to your internet. for this example we'll go with a USB wireless adapter. If you're using that then yes you need the drivers. also if you have a different NIC than what came with your PC then you might need to install the drivers. to check go to Control Panel> Hardware and sound> In the top bar there should be device manager. go into device manager and check anything that has an exclamation mark. if it does right click and select update drivers then search automatically. if it can't find them automatically then you may have to use your phone or use an ethernet cable to connect to your router until you install the drivers.
Life's not a waste of time and time's not a waste of life so let's stop wasting time, get wasted and have the time of our lives - Mr Worldwide 3:18
Lols, I kinda managed to connect to the internet, closings this.
I didn't download any of the ACER Drivers that come with the computer when you buy it. So no wonder I couldn't get the the sound to work or anything.
I'm not exactly sure what fixed the problem but I downloaded the software from the DLink website and installed the drivers, kinda got my network to work