View Poll Results: is my avatar cool?
2 Votes / 20.00%
its COOL
1 Votes / 10.00%
i like it
1 Votes / 10.00%
try harder
3 Votes / 30.00%
ITS A [Beep] man its A [Beep]
3 Votes / 30.00%
Voters: 10. You may not vote on this poll
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Original Post
i made this poll so i can see that you like my avatar or not
ITS itachi uciha from NARUTO
1. naruto sux
2. whats that? wow you took a render copied the eye and use it as avatar??
3. be original

wanna take off shirt and kiss?
harsh man harsh, i voted "i like it" its not bad, but its not AMAZING, like mine =) lol jk

lol it may be simpol but if it suits his interests and if he likes it then i don't see why you need to give him such a hard time
it is just ripping off someone's art, not as you said "simple" art"
it'd be simple art if he made it himself but i guess he didnt

and i dont give him a hard time
im just honest

wanna take off shirt and kiss?
Originally Posted by blaj View Post
it is just ripping off someone's art, not as you said "simple" art"
it'd be simple art if he made it himself but i guess he didnt

like yours for example? Nice idea to make a ghost like that, has never be seeen before.
I still dont like the avatar in question here, because i hate how all and everything gets invaded with naruto stuff. Naruto is a nice anime, no doubt but does it need to spread everywhere? I wish people would be more creative and use names and pics of more cool animes like DoReMi (jk) or Invader Zim.
<Balrog> Sorry

On-links are bad
OLDA are good
well i do beleve the saing naruto sucks isent being hones seeing as thats an opinion and an opinon isent a fact and only aplies to you and not every one ther for its not a fact there for thats not being honest its stating an opinon

FEER THE SPELLING ERORS (yes i know there there and im purposly not doing anything about them ) BITE ME!
everything i say is my opinion and therefore i am honest
i could also say "it rox" which would represend my opinion if i were a jackass with no idea of art

wanna take off shirt and kiss?
andrew, of course saying that you hate something is honesty, a fact doesnt have to be an honest representation of something you believe. and same goes for the other way around. and blaj, i didnt say u were giving him a hard time, i just said it twas a bit harsh =)