Originally Posted by
I find this very saddening that despite my efforts to explain you seem to twist or be uncooperative in trying to at least understand what I'm saying.
It is not about opinions, which I tried proving. Nor is it about experience but facts and research into the topic.
We've come to the point where we're simply disagreeing or arguing about what was said or not said.
Let me just upload this screenshot of the idea behind this mans words.
Be mindful that this was in their clan war server that they were hosting vs another clan.
I took initiative to put myself in the line of fire and visit because I was ready to hear what he was going to say. I was respectful when I entered and waited for Hattersin to post first. To post this is hilarious on how its only partial of what he said vs the insults from the beginning. Hattersin you crack me up.
It's funny how you only upload partial of the conversation. I like how how people tend to assume things. After I stated my facts Hattersin quickly came quiet. I said my peace and my kids turned out fine. So lets finally end it here. Hattersin I hope your future kids will teach you a lesson.
Last edited by -ian-; Oct 26, 2014 at 05:54 AM.