Christmas Lottery
Having absolutely all members to contribute is impossible for obvious reasons, but we should get as many people as we can to do something about this.

I didn't mean to have the body be an octopus thing.
What I thought we could do is to have a goat whose body is a jelly-like substance(possibly a semi-transparent one, so that we can see some of its intestines). It could also have a Cthulhu-ish beard thing going on.
We could definitely also get some inspiration from all the demon goats out there, because why the fuck not.
Also, colors should probably be discussed as the very last thing.
Also also, I don't like the horns instead of tentacles idea.
Last edited by Arthur; Oct 28, 2014 at 05:52 PM.
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc
True, we barely had any active member nowadays
Call this a bad idea that ruin the base concept but, why don't we make a fusion out of THREE animals instead of two, ha
i like the idea of semi translucent flesh and cthulhu beard
but it also have to possess goat-ish fur so it'll balance

Ok, cut this talk, more work
Who will start the base model?
Please bring back Organiζations board