Christmas Lottery
Original Post
[S] Supernova Force.
Hello, this time i'll be selling a narly supernova force.
It's a bright red color so it can be used as good combos with many other colors.

Unfortunately you need 4000 qi.
(Got to play a lot to get the cool colors)

It's 360 hundred (36k) in the store. And 15k in the market.

I would like to get around 14k, but i know that's impossible.
But, i won't be accepting offers lower than 10k
(because i can easily sell it on the market for that price or even a bit higher).

You may offer below or pm me. This thread will close in 24-48 hours (if no offers are made, it can be closed sooner).
I accept Tc and Items (High value) as payment

Sorry for the ugly thread >.>
. -. You make me real sad Insanity. The fact that you lowball is bad enough, yet you still amaze me by offering a price i said i will never accept.