Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by RAYClovis View Post
I'm the one selling and trading. :< Make offers, not tell me to offer you.

Um... I'm sorry? I figured you had a budget of how much you wanted to spend... and I won the items, so I don't have a certain amount of TC to recover and I don't really know how much they are worth...

Are you ok with just TC? Or are you set on a trade?

I guess if I have to make an offer (and sorry to undercut, powelly) I'd say 40k for the blood, 15k for the usertext... and the tax for each? That's about 50% of shop prices...
Powelly: Thanks. You have a pretty colourful inventory yourself. I'm kind of hoping to get your Toxic Blood, but at the same time I'm keeping to a Toxic/Amy colour so I can't trade you the Amy lax. Think we can work out a deal with what I have for your Toxic blood?
Originally Posted by Powelly View Post
Sorry to undercut Novitech, Make that 30k.

lol, no prob. I have a better idea though. How about you bring your price back up, and I'll retract my offer to sell... on the blood... user text still available..