Originally Posted by
"You can't prove there are differences!
...Here's a difference."
"I can't think of an argument to support my wild assertions, better quote some stuff out of context!"
You used to be better at discussion mate...
Originally Posted by
Not going to touch on taxpayer funding, a centralized power structure, national intelligence agencies, military academies...? How about other various related facets? Diplomacy? Establishment of a military hierarchy? Division and specialization of labor? How dedicated personnel and state apparatus handle these as opposed to a non-expert populace?
Well since none of these are inherent in states nor are impossible in statelessness. Once again you simply make wild assertions without any kind of logic backing them up...
>taxpayer funding
Because a similar system can't exist in statelessness right? How does private health care work again?
>centralized power structure
Because a similar system can't exist in statelessness right? What is a board of directors again?
>national intelligence agencies
Because a similar system can't exist in statelessness right? What are PIs?
>military academies
Because a similar system can't exist in statelessness right? What is Academi?
You see a bit of a pattern forming?
Ok I'm sure diplomacy doesn't exist outside the government, I mean how can two people talk to each other and make deals between companies and countries etc. Oh wait that happens all the fucking time.
Ignoring that almost every company in existence has hierarchies, you have a good point. You know, if we ignore every company in existence... (I said it twice just to help you get the message, you're welcome)
>division and specialization of labor
Again, this happens in every company in existence... Or do you think the kids at McDonalds also handle the accounts?
Seriously, your argument is that experts can only exist in the government? BP your arguments are getting more and more divorced from reality by the second, I hope you don't say anything more that's absolutely insane...
Originally Posted by
Your musings on bred soldiers or workers conscripted by Exxon or something are fascinating, and I'm sure there are many prospective novelists looking to incorporate them into a new dystopian work, but much like your more topical claims they suffer from the same problem of crippling lunacy.
Ok but maybe you should understand that in the past it was fairly common for people to follow the careers of their parents, and being a professional soldier and coming from a line of professional soldiers is not unheard of. You can make whatever random claims you want, but since it has happened I think it's safe to assume it can happen...
Welp, you have successfully slashed my hopes that your arguments will stay within the realms of reality and sanity. I hope you are happy, we are now in a surreal world of non-reality where insanity and complete blindness to the world around us is the norm.