This is so supported that I can't even handle.
Would you marry me?
Maybe you could buy an item like a green gem for the hand and depending on the intensity of the movement towards the enemy the glow will amplify and when it hits the target that area receives a little bit of glow, damn i'm already dreaming with this.
I think that instead of transparency in textures which is really lame there should be an interpreter telling that if some part in the texture is mapped as transparent it should be then be translated to "Glow", and that specific part will glow following the "Glow item" that you bought.
I really like this idea. It would look so awesome to have certain parts of your tori glowing and other parts dark. Great contrast.
Tis a great idea. It'd be like Flame Forge Huh? Where you buy it In game but you can change the RGB and Brightness and whatnot.
But that wouldn't really work for the textures. There'd have to be a way to get around it Like Making Transparent texture where you want the glow to come through and Non-Transparent for Where the texture is.
That could be highly abused though. I could make a Highly glow skin so You wouldn't be able to tell where my tori was.... It'd just be alotta light coming off the tori.