Originally Posted by protonitron View Post
Fair point, although not all Islamic countries treat woman badly or obey Sharia so can we get back to talking about whether Sharia is a necessary part of Islam or just a nasty side-effect. Oh and by saying "only Islamic countries and backwards ass countries" you are giving yourself the ability to claim that any country where oppression of woman is at the same level is backward. This point is far enough but I would rather you just kept to saying that Islam is backward rather than claiming that Islamic countries are the most backward countries (but only if you conveniently exclude all the other "ass backwards" countries from the equation). Other countries are not particularly relevant to whether Islam is necessarily oppressive and violent.

Is that ok? Or am I typing out of my ass?

This thread is about Islam, however. There are plenty of shitters in the world, and I don't want any of them anywhere near me. I'd rather not have Kim Jong Un as a neighbor either, but this thread isn't about him. Again, it's about Islam.
Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
This thread is about Islam, however. There are plenty of shitters in the world, and I don't want any of them anywhere near me. I'd rather not have Kim Jong Un as a neighbor either, but this thread isn't about him. Again, it's about Islam.

This would have been an ideal argument against SmallBowl which, to be honest, I am embarrassed for not making myself.
Good morning sweet princess