[BUG seen in 3.62]
* The floor Texture bug from 3.4 is back
* Torso are only textured torsos
* When changing the resolution of the screen the lobby part doesn't resize itself.
* FPS divided by two too.
* Tutorial 2 announce a decap, but I haven't saw it yet in the first move.
* Full screen glitches when a DVD is being played on another sofwtare (lol)
* When going to FS and then changing resoultion, mouse cursor doesn't show where it is going to point (that is to say cursor is shown about 250 pixel higher then the effective click)


But the improvement on the chat and whisper part is REALLY impressive and well done.
New GUI looks smexy.
When bugs will be corrected, it is going to be a very VERY nice version/evolution of Toribash.

[FROG] - [Toribash-FR] - [OLDA] - \m/
Français, english: Click