Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
256x256 minimalistic looks good?
Is 256x256 full texture set HD enough for some minimalistic patterns?
Or should one save for 512x512 anyways?

I just wanna know so I don't have to burn them TC's
Owner of Fred
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Well, 512 is pretty nice no matter what you put on it, but for something simple with not a whole lot of fine detail, 256 should be just fine
My signature was too long so I got this pretty rainbow here instead now. Isn't it nice? This is a nice rainbow.

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Originally Posted by PlataBear View Post
Well, 512 is pretty nice no matter what you put on it, but for something simple with not a whole lot of fine detail, 256 should be just fine

Thanks man, I'll just buy a 256 set later, and if I'm not happy, I'll just sell it.
Owner of Fred
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Not a support case, ask quesions like that in rapid threads board, I moved it for you.

And "hd enough" is subjective anyway, I survived with 128 textures for 6 years.

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Just draw some plain lines and see if the resolution is suitable for you
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All right, thanks people, figure I have to experiment myself, not just ask around like a dumbo. Solved.
Owner of Fred
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