Hello, I'm Frankie, I live in North Carolina. I am only 13, but have been told I am mature, and I would like to join Zen. I originally started toribash in 2010, the account is forgotten now. My favorite/main mods are aikido big dojo, boxshu mushu, all of the ushu mods, and taekkyon. My past clans are, Oxidus(Ran by me), Godly, Nitro, and Steel. I have been told I am good with helping out during clan wars and clan donations(however, currently broke). My in-game activity level would be moderate, however, my forum activity is really high(I may not post a lot, but I do lurk). I have my bad days, like today, just like everyone else.
Well, that's all I have to say, and I hope you will accept me into the brotherhood(Since there are no girls) that is zen.
Last edited by Frankie518; Jan 16, 2015 at 02:11 PM.