Name: k0l0rz
Age: 13
Belt (2nd Dan Black Belt or higher): Blue Belt.
Steam Name (optional): -
Skype Name (optional): -
Why do you want to join (go into detail!): I want to join because i'm tired of the normal clans, i need something like (Tau).
What can you offer Tau Dynasty? (Skills, Humor, art, etc... Please show proof of this! If it's "Humor", I want a really good joke.):I can offer skills, I am good at Aikido and Greykido, i concentrated more on these types of game.
Something interesting about you: I beat ConCon19 and im not very good with English.
What aren't you... Tell us the things you absolutely aren't: I'm not the real k0l0rz, I chose this nickname by which i liked, i didn't know has a Kolorz which was much more pro than me.
Do you know someone in the .clan/recommended by someone?: Nope...
Previous clans?: Shogun, Ice Cream, Godly, BadCo and Ascend
Time zone: GMT -3
Previous names/alt accounts?: Falcon564 (Black Belt)
In-game activity on a scale of 1-10: 9
Forum activity on a scale of 1-10: 5
Please Type "Tau Dynasty is the best" as creatively possible 3 times:
Player card (optional... but recommended):
Tau Dynasty is the best
Tau Dynasty is the best
Tau Dynasty is the best
We do not require any replays, although it is recommended that you put at least 2 replays if your skill is in game related. Please do not post anymore than 7 replays.