A decade ago, a banished warrior who had the power of firebreathing and mega masturbations decided he should go look for some bad bitches to slap badly.The next day he saw a Very big dick and walked away while fapping violently. Then an old, but very sexy wrinkled penis that had super aids, ..Because why not. He suddenly fucked John Wilkes Booth because he felt a little horny. He also met Double Mecha Hitler because why not fuck him too?On the other dick he had a double espresso that tastes like penis water and "shut the fuck up" he said stop with this if you're stupid or mentally retarded or drink dick penises with ice that gives Cancer And Ebola, becaus-

wait, what? isn't Ebola gone? "Ask google" An old wise shadow077 once said as he crusaded a huge tower and raped hitler because he was feeling real dope. Finaly his anaconda killed him self, because why not? Anacondas friend helped Him back alive to fuck again once more before he snorts Cocaine Santa gave him a heavy rockabybowa that weighed 1337lbs. He went Raping everyone in [GAMMA] For diddling kids then he went Fishing because he Wanted to jizz all over the Eye of Rha because he felt a knob of fire and the Eye gave him a legendery sword with Kush Cocaine and the power of Clouds that he used, killing gay Elmo without to use salt and pepper and his mother in mint condition after being fuked ,He decided to smoke some kush with his friends and his dog Named Snoop Dog high as a
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