Original Post
(Neko) Neko Recruitment







Last edited by Pimp; Feb 17, 2015 at 08:32 AM.
“Aaah rum zum zum aaah rum zum zum booly booly booly booly booly rum zum zum”

I'm just messing around, I just need the attention of you lovelies. now that I have it...
MAKE SURE THIS IS A FREE FORM APP. any of that copy'n paste shit won't even be FREE FORM DAT SHIT! run on sentences, format it well, in you own way, but make it look clean and nice. Give us ALL the information we asked for and ONLY the information we asked for. you don't need to tell us your forum activity, etc, you already should be pretty active... (do as I say, not as I do) though if you're not extremely active, it's understandable. I would like you to put the word "Nyan" at the end of your app to make sure you read this entire thing.
what to put in the app
1: do you love cat girls? if not, don't bother applying
2: do you enjoy cookies?
3: give us your name, age, skype, (we'd prefer if you ware atleast 12 or 13, we've spent to many hours teaching 10 y/o how to use the forums.
If you don't have skype, it's okay, but we would like you to get skype so we can easily contact you and the rest of the clan
4: give us 3 replays, we want to know your skill. 1 single player, 1 multiplayer, and 1 spar/multiplayer parkour, something like that. if you don't have any of those, just give us another single or multiplayer replay.
if you're accepted, add KrispKrack on skype, and we will add you to the clan chat
Last edited by Krisp; Feb 10, 2015 at 03:26 PM.
The Game Is Broken - Foxy
Originally Posted by KrispKrack View Post

make sure this is FREE FORM. any of that copy'n paste shit won't even be considered unless you're fucking cool in which case maybe but still FREE FORM DAT SHIT!...
you don't need to tell us your forum activity, etc, you already should be pretty active... (do as I say, not as I do) though if you're not extremely active, it's understandable. I would like you to put the words "adorable nekos" at the end of your app to make sure you read this entire thing.
what to put in the app
1: do you love cat girls? if not, don't bother applying
2: do you enjoy cookies?
3: give us your name, age, skype, and a little bit about yourself
4: give us 3 replays, we want to know your skill. 1 single player, 1 multiplayer, and 1 spar/multiplayer parkour, something like that. if you don't have any of those, just give us another single or multiplayer replay.
if you're accepted, add KrispKrack and or HWUsmileyface on skype, and we will add you to the clan chat

King apply using this information above T-T
“Aaah rum zum zum aaah rum zum zum booly booly booly booly booly rum zum zum”
My Form
I absolutely love cat girls and Cookies. My favourite Type of cookie is triple choc. My name is nirvan. I'm 13 and my skype is C4_Creeper. I am a gamer and I watch way too much anime. My favourite is, has been and always will be black rock shooter. I'm not very good at Toribash and you've seen me play. Also, Adorable Nekos.
my name manrocks305 I love cookies so much I love cat girls there awesome my name Emmanuel had a cat im 10
don't have a Skype I live in Albany georiga I can play I took down a black belt before it was easy I love parkore do it 3 times a week to get pumped up this is emmanuel
my hobby is toribash roblox and basket ball
Last edited by manrocks; Feb 6, 2015 at 03:31 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Hello my name is Joshua i am 14, I fucking love cat girls and cookies, and i love to spar with friends...COOOKIIIESSSS
1 I like cat girls
2 i like baked cookies
i like cat girls and any type of cookies.
my name is Chris, age 14, i like to watch youtube alot i love playing toribash alot
i dont have a skype
Last edited by aiddabest; Feb 5, 2015 at 06:05 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
1)I love cat girls
2)Any type of cookie will do for me
3)Josh, 14 soon to be 15 I have always loved cats had two, Bonnie and Willy but they passed, I'm a massive gamer and anime lover my favorite anime is Steins Gate. My skype is Joshua Hiley.
1) I really love catgirls.

2) I really enjoy cookies n3n

3) My name is gabriel.

I'm 20 years old.

I use my skype whit my e-mail: [email protected].

And something about me would be that my ex girlfriend used to dress as a cat girl. But my actual girlfriend dont only use ears and tail, she uses paws .
Attached Files
Neko mushu.rpl (19.2 KB, 3 views)
uke 22.rpl (43.4 KB, 4 views)
uke13.rpl (19.1 KB, 3 views)
uke15.rpl (32.9 KB, 3 views)
Last edited by UkeNeko; Feb 10, 2015 at 04:11 PM.
1. Yeah. I guess :S

2. I just ate cookies and they were good.

3. Mah name is Leight, I am teen :S and I no have Skype....

4. If z replays are there you can watch'm...

Additional comment: I sounded very retarded, I speaks English you know?

Attached Files
MUST AVENGE YOU.rpl (819.8 KB, 11 views)
I LOVE TORIBASH.rpl (82.0 KB, 8 views)
Custom run example,.rpl (87.3 KB, 6 views)
Fatalita.rpl (68.5 KB, 7 views)
See Ya Later.rpl (58.5 KB, 6 views)