be nice
be active
be respectful to other clans
always tell members about clans wars
get 5 members [X]
get 10 members [X]
get 15 members []
become rank 10 []
become rank 3 []
become rank 1[]
100-500QIin prison
500-700QI= enslave
700-900QI= roman legends
900-1000= myths that are true
1000-4000= gods warriors
4000-8000= death himself
8000-10000= army's killer
10000-17000= Ender of life
Once upon a time the was a great warrior named Cane, Cane fought in great battles defeating great warriors too. One time he bumped into a man called Arn, Arn was young and talented at fighting Cane saw his skills and became very jealous and challenged him to a duel it took months to finish the duel after it started but the duel ended weirdly, Cane had a splotch of poison on his sword and that killed Arn, For the way he killed Arn he was crowned king of rome and called himself "Different Light", he built his army and too this day here it is