Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
[S] noxiz full 512 set
Selling a 512 set Tc only.

Artist: noxiz
Resolution: 512x512
Prev owner: Cold, noxiz
price: 70k-90k

Pics of the set

it appears that someone else already owns this texture set, please PM me the name of who you purchased it from and some screenshots that can be used as proof of purchase. I will re-open if/when I'm satisfied with the evidence. Either way, the same set has been sold twice here and we must understand what happened before this sale can continue.
lead Sigma
hi, this case was sorted out and I can assure you everyone that this guy is the legitimate owner of the set. Please continue with your sale, sorry for the interruption.
lead Sigma
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illuminati: "You got mad followers Redd"
Zeus: "He's the shit"