Original Post
[S] seling Quicksilver Relax and Tyrian Force
Hello everyone.

Im seling Quicksilver Relax and Tyrian Force. No dumb bits they will be ignored. Accepting tc only.

Tyran force: 2k
Qs relax: 9k [Sold]
Last edited by krisis13; Feb 14, 2015 at 10:05 AM.


Hi, could you please update your thread with what form(s) of payment you will be accepting e.g TC, USD, items. Thanks.

Originally Posted by Goughy View Post
Hi, could you please update your thread with what form(s) of payment you will be accepting e.g TC, USD, items. Thanks.

Thread updated
Originally Posted by IBlackleon View Post
Its market price lowered about 1k so 7,5k max

market price is 11k
Originally Posted by LucidSpore View Post
Tyran force 1.8k
3.3k on market.

2k and deal
Originally Posted by Patricknr1 View Post

8.5 and deal
Last edited by krisis13; Feb 14, 2015 at 09:35 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump


Originally Posted by krisis13 View Post
Thread updated

market price is 11k

2k and deal

8.5 and deal

I'm stickin' to 1.8k