i was out skating, and it was a usual weekend
but this time the skatepark had TOO MANY SCOOTERERS

i was rolling down the bank, crossing the park when a little scooter fag got in my way and his handlebars wrecked my wrist

i cant bend it back as much anymore. its like stuck.
thats mine
I can't remember how old I was... But I remember that I was in kindergarten.
It was a cold winter.
I liked the taste of a metal.
So, I went and licked ladders.
And of course, my tongue got stuck there.
I tried to take it off, but it didn't come off. BUT, I got a supreme idea to take it off with my LIPS.
Well then, my lips got stuck, but tongue wasn't stuck anymore... I couldn't take them off, and then I tried to take lips off with my tongue.
Then, tongue got stuck, my lips got free... That continued until someone saw what I did and said it to a... Sentinel?
I remember I saw a lot of red.
Originally Posted by Tonakai View Post
I can't remember how old I was... But I remember that I was in kindergarten.
It was a cold winter.
I liked the taste of a metal.
So, I went and licked ladders.
And of course, my tongue got stuck there.
I tried to take it off, but it didn't come off. BUT, I got a supreme idea to take it off with my LIPS.
Well then, my lips got stuck, but tongue wasn't stuck anymore... I couldn't take them off, and then I tried to take lips off with my tongue.
Then, tongue got stuck, my lips got free... That continued until someone saw what I did and said it to a... Sentinel?
I remember I saw a lot of red.


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Not sure if you mean structurally damaging, disturbing, or physically painful...
The most painful thing I had happen was several years ago on my wrestling team during practice I shattered my toe into 3 separate pieces, and 5 minutes later had to (and did) sprint 4 km while staying ahead of coach.
Needless to say, when I got back from practice my entire foot was red-purple and the toe was so dark it looked black.
Most disturbing was when I slammed a bare toe into a concrete curb, split the toenail into 4 pieces, and for reason I never understood, the blood didn't spray or pour, just exuded like soft serve from hell.
Structurally was one that wouldn't actually seem that bad. I jammed my right ring finger in a match and just blew it off, but when it didn't get better (and by better I mean swelling decreased, not less painful) I went to get it checked out and x-ray'd. Turned out, I popped a thin splinter of bone out of the side of the joint, which left a hollow gap in a part of the bone that is supposed to be really strong. Had I hit it again, the bone would likely have snapped off sideways, and I would have had a finger like an upside down L.
Last edited by PlayerID666; Nov 10, 2008 at 07:51 AM.

<Ownzilas> Alright
<Ownzilas> 3'2 then
<Ownzilas> Half PID's dick.