Original Post
[SOLVED] What is the Member thing?
Like, underneath your name, it will say "Member", "Junior Member", "Senior Member". Or something random that the person made with ToriPrime. What changes it and why does it change? Mine is just "Member".

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
0 - 29 Posts - Junior Member
30 - 499 Posts - Member
500 - 1499 Posts - Senior Member
500 - 2499 Posts - Forumite
2500 - 3499 Posts - ub3r
3500 - 4499 Posts - Raconteur
4500 - 5999 Posts - Chatterbox
6000 - 9000 Posts - Elitist
9001+ Posts - Flagrant Meme

as NotShadow said, also here are all the non-custom user titles and their conditions.

JtanK Moderated Message:
To sum up: posts, panel in torishop, changing in user cp when you have prime/vip, paying $ in nabi customization store (stickied thread in items board of market).
Last edited by JtanK; Feb 22, 2015 at 11:47 AM. Reason: summing up the thread & it's useless to make extra post