*Name (Actual): Daniaka Sianson
*Date of Birth: 2nd June 1999
*Location: Indonesia
GMT: +7.00
Primary Language(s): Indonesian
Secondary Language(s): English
Belt: 3rd Dan Black Belt
Alternate Accounts: nope
Preferred Mods: Judofrac, Judo, Aikido, not bad at abd
Previous Clans: Divine, Ox Tether, Vibe, MOFF, Tekken, LIONS
ºBiography: I love my nation, i know about 20 national songs, i love to joined the national ceremony everymonday
*Contact Information (i.e. Facebook, phone, e-mail, Xbox Live Gamertag, etc.) BBM : 7ca5d2c1
Why You Want to Join:m i wanted to join a huge famous clan, i wanna get my new family, and help all of you out
What You Can Offer The Clan: TC, ingame skill, and war times

Referred By:nobody