Originally Posted by JtanK View Post
Does it happen even if you launch toribash and open singleplayer, then don't move anything? Try checking it.

Theres no pattern to how long it takes so I didn't try, but I will leave it in SP now and see if it does within a reasonable amount of time, it may be worth noting it is not recorded as a crash but treated as if I'd clicked on the red X. But I dont know if this is important.

In the meantime, as a workaround you could try using a different version of tb, here's link with list that has 4.8 or 4.82, you can probably google for news thread with 4.9, 4.91, 4.92

I still have 4.82 downloaded from before I switched to steam, so I'll use that for now, I've never had the problem with that in the past.

EDIT: Yes it did close itself while on freeplay doing nothing
Using 4.82 fixed the problem of randomly closing, unfortunately I now have this problem:

and all the previous suggestions haven't worked

Here is my crash.txt for 4.82
toribash caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005) 
in module ig4icd32.dll at 0023:071a5459.

Error occurred at 4/8/2015 22:14:48.
C:\Games\Toribash-4.82\toribash.exe, run by Greg.
Version 4.82.
Operating system:  Windows 7 (6.1.7601).
4 processor(s), type 586.
72% memory in use.
4096+ MBytes physical memory.
1659 MBytes physical memory free.
4096+ MBytes paging file.
4096+ MBytes paging file free.
2048 MBytes user address space.
644 MBytes user address space free.
Write to location 0446d904 caused an access violation.

EDI:    0x0446d904  ESI: 0x00000001  EAX:   0x00000001
EBX:    0x5cdcce80  ECX: 0x0446d904  EDX:   0x01d7fba4
EIP:    0x071a5459  EBP: 0x00000000  SegCs: 0x00000023
EFlags: 0x00010202  ESP: 0x01d7faa8  SegSs: 0x0000002b

Bytes at CS:EIP:
89 19 48 83 c1 04 85 c0 77 f4 5b 8d 04 b7 5f 5e 

nick uke
mousebuttons 1
backgroundclick 0
volume 128
musicvolume 10
fullscreen 0
autosave_rpl 0
rememberrules 0
framerate 60
shaders 1
fluid 1
reflection 0
softshadow 1
ambientocclusion 1
bumpmapping 1
raytracing 0
noreload 1
width 1280
height 720
beginner 0
chattoggle 96
particles 1
trails 1
hair 1
hairquality 0
bodytextures 1
fixedframerate 1
replaycache 0
chatcache 3
filesort 0
shout 1
dismember 1
fight_alert 1
freeze 1
game_over 1
grading 1
grip 1
hit 1
impact 1
joint 1
menu 1
none 1
pain 1
ready 1
select_player 1
splash 1
swoosh 1
weapon 1

mod erthtkv2.tbm
matchframes 150
turnframes 10
flags 2
dismemberment 1
fracture 0
disqualification 0
dqtimeout 0
dqflag 0
dismemberthreshold 120
fracturethreshold 0
pointthreshold 0
dojotype 1
dojosize 250
engagedistance 180
engageheight 0
engagerotation 0
engagespace 0
engageplayerrot 0,0,0,0,0,0
damage 1
gravity 0.00 0.00 -15.00
sumo 1
reactiontime 15
drawwinner 0
maxcontacts 8

Game Status:
Multi Player
Replay Version 12
Match Frame 90
Turn 12
Bodies Present
Joints Present

===== [end of crash.log] =====
and my stderr file is empty still

Edit: all solved with the steam minor update.
Last edited by SmallBowl; Apr 17, 2015 at 12:35 AM.