Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
[Discussion] War Squad Reforms
Alrighty. Ever since I posted the DSC, I said this clan would eventually be ranked #1. Now, after evaluating our performance, I have calculated that, at our current rate, we would achieve this goal in approximately 14 years.

Our current path will take us too long. I'll probably be dead (weed overdose) by then. So, what I'd like for us to do is brainstorm ways for us to get there quicker. We need a comprehensive reform of our war system. We're a smart group of guys, so let's come up with an implementable plan to follow.

At some point, we're going to have to tackle the tricky question of maintaining our high standards vs letting in more ingame-oriented people for wars. Depending on which way we answer that we might have to redefine our expectations.
So, say we do have a need for more ingame active people, would that make us possibly more lenient towards how forum active people are? Ofc we don't want people that never post at all or never check the forums, but it would be excellent to have some more people that have a good balance of both ingame and forum activity (take me per-example).

Either way, there's a lot of good players and people in general that could be of use but are rarely forum active.
"do it again and i'll insert my giant watermelon dick into your cornhole" ~ Smaguris
Do we even need that rank 1 so bad?
I'm actually pretty happy we made it to top 50 so fast.

And since we're talking about changing the war squad, you could remove me from it, I didn't do a single war yet in this clan.
My laptop isn't working properly which is killing my ingame activity.
Rapid Threads Lmod.
Got any questions? Feel free to ask!

That's a discussion we need to have too. To me, top 3 doesn't seem like a realistic goal. Those clans have (literally) thousands of points and they were able to get them because of their vastly different clan composition (having primarily ingame people only). We've got a different make-up (forum+irc > ingame) and our make-up puts natural restraints on what we're capable of accomplishing.
Maybe we could have a "wars per week" thing, you'd have to participate/start a certain amount of wars, if you don't you get ranked down in the WotM if that's still a thing.
Just throwing ideas.
I think if we got more serious and active in game for wars we could pull it off, but that just might not be what we actually want to do. Half of us don't really go ingame too often as it is.
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
I think that getting the first rank is a great idea but not a realistic one. I think we should aim for top ten or twenty before we even think about getting to the number one rank. To get to the first rank we'd have to pass up some clans that was around three or four times everyday. Whereas we struggle to get one out every day. First things first.
[14:08] <@ego> uncreative fuck R.I.P TL;DR
[14:08] <GoldenRox> That's me all right \(o_o/)
We just need to recruit more ingame active players and incentive them to help with the wars. Then the number of wars would grow proportionally to the amout of ingame based members.
How about defining the positions of the War Squad. What does the leader do? The regular members? Perhaps some other ranks in the squad could be created.
I second this idea, having a war squad leader could be beneficial to the team, even if it is a somewhat honorary position. What they would do on the the other hand is something I've wondered as well.

I'm not too sure about other ranks though, unless we were to possibly select certain people that are able to solo war under certain conditions.
"do it again and i'll insert my giant watermelon dick into your cornhole" ~ Smaguris