Note - You must be at least Black belt to enter
Age: 14
Belt: Blue (Alt is Black) (Not Racist)
Country and timezone: GMT +10:00
How active are you in-game and forums?(1-10): 5
Any clans you joined before us?(If yes, why did you leave/got kicked?): Never been in a clan before
Contacts (Skype, E-mail, etc): Skype: MateYourMad
What mod are you good in? (Optional: post replays): Judo and Aikido Big Dojo
What can you contribute to the clan?(Please make your claim strong,any proofs?): I am very passionate towards tournaments in this game. Once i get stuck into something, i never let go of it. People dont realise that i take the light side of things. Whenever i feel serious about something, i always pull through
Any bans/infractions?: Never
Why do you want to [Ascend]?: Because this clan seems very good and i'd love to be apart of the community
Player Card ( nick here.png<---please copy it and add [IMG] tags):

Did anyone refer you here?: pranit
Got some more to add?: Thats about it, Thanks
this is meant for GM guy friss is a kewl dude

bro u got 0 posts u lied to me ..... umm idk what to say i was giving u a chance but now ... sorry man
Last edited by pranit; May 6, 2015 at 02:11 PM.
Originally Posted by Frissure View Post
Note - You must be at least Black belt to enter
Age: 14
Belt: Blue (Alt is Black) (Not Racist)
Country and timezone: GMT +10:00
How active are you in-game and forums?(1-10): 5
Any clans you joined before us?(If yes, why did you leave/got kicked?): Never been in a clan before
Contacts (Skype, E-mail, etc): Skype: MateYourMad
What mod are you good in? (Optional: post replays): Judo and Aikido Big Dojo
What can you contribute to the clan?(Please make your claim strong,any proofs?): I am very passionate towards tournaments in this game. Once i get stuck into something, i never let go of it. People dont realise that i take the light side of things. Whenever i feel serious about something, i always pull through
Any bans/infractions?: Never
Why do you want to [Ascend]?: Because this clan seems very good and i'd love to be apart of the community
Player Card ( nick here.png<---please copy it and add [IMG] tags):

Did anyone refer you here?: pranit
Got some more to add?: Thats about it, Thanks

I guess he's okay, but he needs to be active every once and a while.

edit: nvm, after seeing pranit's post i'll say no.
[insert name here] [insert name here] [insert name here]