Originally Posted by 1Pac1Duck View Post
Belt:2nd Dan
Country and timezone:New Zealand UTC+12:00
How active are you in-game and forums?(1-10): (6) can more often if need.
Any clans you joined before us?: I have been in Nitro(2nd clan)(got kicked because my comp broke and i went inactive. Sweg (unranked) I left because i wanted to join Ascend.
Contacts (Skype, E-mail, etc): [email protected] i have a skype but i never use it.
What mod are you good in? (Optional: post replays):Judo And Mushu Also good at learing other mods, with a little bit of learning i can do anything. to be honest my one weakness is parkour
What can you contribute to the clan? I would contribute by doing what ever helps example: teaching fellow members moves and techniques posting forums whatever is needed.
Any bans/infractions?:None.
Why do you want to [Ascend]?:Id like to get this clan out there and beat nitro obey etc iv played with some ascend members before and they seem nice id like a clan who i can be friends with every member.
Player Card ( nick here.png<---please copy it and add [IMG] tags):?

Did anyone refer you here?:No iv been wanting to join ascend for quite long.
Got some more to add?: If You Were To Accept Me i would have to know urgent for clan wars etc because of my timezone but it most likely wont be a problem.

Yeah I agree with Rhae, some newer players can learn from the more experienced players here, I'll say yes
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