Original Post
(Athens) Athens
Hi we are Athens, you may have heard of us before, well our leader has quit TB, so me, Jestier, is the leader now. But don't worry, i hope to be an even better leader than our last!
Our Main Mods: Boxshu, ABD, TK, Lenshu, Parkour, Judo, Judo Frac, ErthTK
In the deep mountains of Greece, Athens is a prospering kingdom that defeated the Persian Empire, with the help of Sparta, We bested them on land, sea, and on Amphibious terrains.
Our Members are trained in expert fighting styles such as: Muay Thai, Judo, Jujitsu, Breathless Karate, Wing Chun, Drunken Fist, Greased Lighting, etc. etc.
We strive to be the best, but above all else we seek fun.
Member List:
Leader: Jestier
Captains: Sumsoul, Reliks
Elite Members: Minhtran, Blade, GasGiant, Wapowyo, Harch, The Taint, Nthomhav
Warrior Rank: Swagsag, Gater1000, Kr3s, Duneem, 15253, TehTrafficCone, jiff3, Nytehawk, Snakebite6, ksalelegend, yayafino, kevinjr
-No Being A Scumbag, no one likes those people
-Grow up, no childish members here.
-Do not disrespect an officer
-Do not disrespect a leader
-Do not disrespect anyone else
-Do not disrespect greased lightning, I Mean that.
-Do not disrespect an admin, we frown upon those that do.
-Become Official
-Get More Parkour Applicants
-Get 10K In The Clan Bank
-Get 20K In The Clan Bank
-Get 100K In The Clan Bank

-Keep being the best we can be in our main mods,
-Climb The Ranks
So After All That You Might Be Asking How You Can Sign Up?
-Send ya boy Jestier A message telling me your belt, why you want to join, and your qualifications!
Last edited by Jestier; Jul 17, 2017 at 11:54 PM.
People always ask me why I wear a blindfold, its because i have a $100 bill taped inside so all i see is money you broke ass bitches.
:T <--- Well...Just passing...
Last edited by stickjoe44; Jul 12, 2015 at 11:54 PM. Reason: i dont know
bosta de conta me levou 7 anos pra pegar de volta