Secret Santa 2024

What would you like? vs what would you give me.
PM me if interested.
Last edited by Lucy; Jun 1, 2015 at 01:56 AM.
I don't exist
Sicmo, the items that you have that I am interested in are the Nostromo Napalmer and Pocket Purrer, tell me your rates and I will offer, I have a flame,a Flame Particle Texture, some color items, full 128 (except for head),a 512 x 512 head, shutter shades, spiky hair, barbed wire, all the hitsounds, a head avatar, and some TC that I will use to buy extremely cheap stuff (like crates which i don't even want). If you want any of them just tell me and I can see what I can do. I can also try to sell some of these for TC so I can pay for people that want just TC.
Also to people that are wondering this is my steam account.
I just want any expensive ones (like keys which are around 20 - 30k tc each i think) so I can sell them for pure metal.
I can just take the ref, whats your steam account?
512 x 512 head sold to -Kas- for 14 refined metal.
Last edited by Paid; Jun 1, 2015 at 10:29 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I'm looking to get your spiky hair, What would you be willing to trade for that?
And maybe the full 128x and flame,
I don't exist
Sicmo nothing in your inventory (that is tradable) is worth that much, I sold a 512 x 512 head that was around 20k tc for 14 refined metal in tf2 so I can only offer soem cheap stuff for what you have. i want the Ham Shank and the tradable craftable cosmetics.