Original Post
The quirk thread

Created this because I feel the community needs and outlet for sillier stuff. atm we are teaching people to be super serious and new peeps don't see the backside of gameplay causing some of them to give up early because they don't feel talented because they don't see how much shit we actually make in-between serious replays

need halp with suggestions and ideas to actually make this a thing
might sticky the thread once I feel it is polished enough

Imo this is a big deal and we totally need to spice the game up a little, it's totally awesome but the meta is very stale right now and we aren't pushing any limits really.
nice thread. ive always wanted to make a replay where i break uke and build something with his bodyparts, maybe if i ever do it ill post it there.
oh yeah
Would it be a good idea to list the unofficial records in the OP so people could try beat it? Like the my highest -30 grav jump
Parkour like you've never seen before: