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Clan activity Log
Today I bring you with the idea for leaders to be able to log who is using their clan powers and how. As a leader who isn't informed a lot because some people cough cough Zack cough just do their own thing having this log would be a tremendous help. Something like the Ban list layout would work perfect. If the staff really wanted to add to it a player can write in a comment before they complete the action. The last bit may have been confusing so i'll "create" a little example log


"I don't need a safety word because my mother didn't raise no quitter." ~BaraYaoi - BDSM Expert
Clan History
Hi, I think clan history would be a good idea.

e.g a page for each clan:


I already suggested before, it's a good idea but the community didn't give me any feedback. if i can find my old thread i'll post the link so staff can merge it if they want, maybe then i'll get some feedback.

if this is going to be a thing, i think the area's where members are invited and kicked should be leader access only. Not everyone needs to know that this kid was kicked but as a leader you want to make sure that no one is abusing their new found powers to kick.

found it. it's literally the same idea you just went in a little more depth.
dear anyone this is a good idea and i haven't seen any flaws from this idea.
Last edited by Day; Nov 8, 2015 at 04:39 PM.
"I don't need a safety word because my mother didn't raise no quitter." ~BaraYaoi - BDSM Expert
Originally Posted by Day View Post
I already suggested before, it's a good idea but the community didn't give me any feedback. if i can find my old thread i'll post the link so staff can merge it if they want, maybe then i'll get some feedback.

if this is going to be a thing, i think the area's where members are invited and kicked should be leader access only. Not everyone needs to know that this kid was kicked but as a leader you want to make sure that no one is abusing their new found powers to kick.

found it. it's literally the same idea you just went in a little more depth.
dear anyone this is a good idea and i haven't seen any flaws from this idea.

Thanks Day
This is a also a good way to figure out who deserves a promotion. By looking at logs you can figure out who should be promoted by their activity and their devotion to the clan. Great idea Day!
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