[Flames] Void's Flame art =D
Welcome to the flame place.
This thread will be me posting random flames I make in the forge every now and then.
Like most of the threads here
you can give cnc or ideas to make new flames.
I'm not a pro flame forger, just a nooby wanting learn the art.
If you would like to purchase a flame just pm me and ill you give you the exact price for the flame.
I will post the forge price with the flame.
I'll try to make something special everyday, but no promises.
Most flames ill make will be purple, only because it just looks pretty _____________________
Have fun looking at my flames.
Note* that most of the flame may not be original.
(Meaning I will try to make globes, rain flames, wings, etc like other forgers have done) but I will try to make flames that have never been done.
I bought a head sphere today and I thought I would give it a try to make one better. Flame price is 77,700
I know I didn't spell angel right, I notice it when I was uploading. Sigh... I'm stupid
This is what they should look like.
It took forever to get this color to at least look like the original flame
Last edited by The7thVoid; Jun 5, 2016 at 10:41 PM.