Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
What to do when I got scammed?
I am pretty sure that i got scammed.
The other player wanted me to send the items first, so i did.
The other player than said that they have sent TC's.
I have not yet recieved anything from that player.
What should I do now because i am short of TC's?
I appreciate any help!
Are you speaking about MetroMan?
I will check his Tran_Hist to see if he sent to the wrong person or if he hasnt sent at all.

Edit: According to his Trans_Hist he hasnt sent anything to anyone at all.

Edit #2: I dont think you can call it a scam when its been a day or less, because most people dont have the same TimeZones.
Last edited by KornFlake; Nov 23, 2008 at 02:18 AM.
what to do when you got scammed?
..well it probably happen before to other ones so you could search the support forum first,if that don'twork you may write a pm to an admin.
shook: Here i thought Wibbles had reached rock bottom, and then this guy brings a pickaxe.
♪ 『macAbrE』 ♫
Regarding Scammers,Hackers and Flamers.
Please do not make threads about these people.

If you are dealing with a scammer:
Take a screen shot of the deal being made.
Take a screen shot of proof you didn't recieve the item and/or tc.
Private Massage (PM) a ToriAgent with all your proof.
If you have no proof of the deal taking place, we cannot and will not help you.

Please refer to the Support Board Rules thread.

yea i am now.
i am no longer going to read replys on this thread because i dont need the help anymore.
Last edited by ToriKoRn; Nov 23, 2008 at 06:04 AM.