Original Post
guys I dunno what's wrong but I gotta go lone wolf
;-; for the watch

im having problems again

edit: get hacked bitch hehe
Last edited by Micah; Jul 7, 2015 at 12:42 AM.
my girlfriend was like "you dont need to be in no clan leave NOW"

me:"bby pls"

gf:"dont fucking play with me"

me:";-; pls"



gf:"mwah :*"

me:" ;*; *cough* bitch*cough*

gf: "what?"

me:"love you"

gf: "mmhm thats what I thought "

yo fml
yo micah when you ditchin' her and coming back?
Life's not a waste of time and time's not a waste of life so let's stop wasting time, get wasted and have the time of our lives - Mr Worldwide 3:18
see u on the other side brother
Life's not a waste of time and time's not a waste of life so let's stop wasting time, get wasted and have the time of our lives - Mr Worldwide 3:18

"gurl I dunno what's wrong but I gotta go lone wolf"

bros over hoes

family over fucks

but seriously how is tgs in the way of you and her i mean your ass is still posting around i dont see her drop kicking you off the forum
R.I.P Dog | mediocre at best