A few of my dreams include but are not limited to:

-A girl that I assumed I was dating died in my arms seconds after we left a building.

-I was in a pickup truck in which the driver was driving 250+ mph like it was the autobahn and turning incredibly hard on hairpin turns.

-I've found myself in a room full of spiders made of crystals.

-Billy from 'Billy and Mandy' was fighting some shaolin warrior.

Originally Posted by azzeffir23 View Post
I think we all dreamed atleast one time that we were having sex with a damn sexy pornstar...

I did have dreams of having sex but not with pornstars.

Moonshake Moderated Message:
Let's also not discuss dreams involving sex at all.
Last edited by Moonshake; Jul 15, 2015 at 06:52 AM.
The Geese is Leese!