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why is this even a discussion.
if you got raped would you want a rapist's child?
One of the few situations in which abortion is a reasonable solution.
better question if you knew your child was going to be mentally handicapped would you want him/her to suffer through life?
Why don't we just kill all disabled people too so they don't have to suffer through life? Yay eugenics! Because life is suffering, and because deciding who gets to live is wrong, that's why.
if you're a teen and you know you're not capable of taking care of the child , isn't it smarter to get rid of the baby then raise it as trash so it can produce more trash?
"I'm stupid trash and having a stupid trash kid is a terrible decision so I'll run the risk of getting pregnant anyways and just terminate the pregnancy because that's what responsible people do!" How about not saying it's the responsible thing to have an abortion. It's responsible for the person to get their shit together and raise the child correctly, it is not responsible to get pregnant and terminate the pregnancy because you feel like it.
See, that's the thing
If you give birth to the child first and then make the same choice, it becomes murder. Where exactly do you cross that line? Why do we forgo all responsibility and kick the can down the road? If you don't want a kid, either triple up on the birth control to make the chances of a pregnancy virtually impossible or get your tubes tied/snipped, be responsible. Abortions are not pleasant for anyone, it doesn't take a whole lot of effort to not be in that situation to begin with. That's not to say it should be illegal, I firmly believe people should have the right to make their own decisions, but stupid people will constantly make stupid decisions. People have to be forced to be responsible for their actions or they will constantly do dumb things.
I believe the only thing that would truly solve this problem is to promote or reward responsibility. Free birth control, free sterilization procedures, free classes on how to not be an irresponsible dickwad. Accountability is important.