The Bomb Squad Event(Btw this is blimped)
The Bomb Squad Event:BOmb members only.
To enter the event, send 200tc to the clan bank and pm me a Screen shot of it( send to Sual not blimped).
I will have each member do a Hotseat with two lives. You must try to win as many matches as possible. When you are defeated twice, it's over. The one with the highest score, will receive 5,000 toricredits. You can chose whatever mod you want as long as its official. This event will be held on July 23, 2015. It will Start at 1:00pm and end at 6:00pm

P.S. : If I'm absent Lotramus will sub for me.
Last edited by Sual; Jul 19, 2015 at 09:54 PM.
Originally Posted by Sual View Post
The Bomb Squad Event:BOmb members only.
To enter the event, send 200tc to the clan bank and pm me a Screen shot of it( send to Sual not blimped).
I will have each member do a Hotseat with two lives. You must try to win as many matches as possible. When you are defeated twice, it's over. The one with the highest score, will receive 5,000 toricredits. You can chose whatever mod you want as long as its official. This event will be held on July 23, 2015. It will Start at 1:00pm and end at 6:00pm

P.S. : If I'm absent Lotramus will sub for me.

I sense a contradiction, you say send 200tc to the clan bank.. but from my knowledge the account "sual" isn't bombs bank. -cough- just saying -cough-