Can all the wushu fags please leave this discussion, you have never played a single day of competitive toribash in your life, and as soon as someone starts to run in wushu (aka play competitive) you cry for monthes. Wushu is not a competitive mod, and if there ever was to be a competitive mod for wushu it would be Brushu.

You can't fix running in wushu so just learn to cope with it instead of trying to make these fancy mods that makes it "fair"

And the wushu fags saying shit like "aikido is heavily based on the opener" please shut up because you know nothing if thats your thoughts.

And Deprav even if mods like:

were added then no one would vote them because NO ONE has even played them before. (regardless of how good the mod is)
Originally Posted by FistofLife View Post
all the wushu fags
And the wushu fags saying shit like ...

do not generalize, everyone have their own opinions, if you want to critique something, reffer to specific person and specific argument, saying something like "all wushu players are X" is the same generalization as saying that "all duelers are Y"

i can do that too, but it would not bring us into any constructive discussion.

have we understood each other?

Last edited by snake; Jul 24, 2015 at 08:01 PM.
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15