(Deity) Deities
We are a clan that will be planning to become an elite clan and hope to become ranked on the list as one of the top.
Please, If you want to join apply at the bottom. Our clan is going to be teaching people toribash from aikido to parkour and stuffs.
Only USER who can access the bank is EricScarpi
Yellow Belt and above
5 members [X]
10 members []
20 members []
Become official []
win a clan war []
win 5 clan wars []
OBEY the forum rules
otherwise behave and respect the authority of the Generals, Creators, and on the forum obey the Counsils.
One day I was playing around on a mod with my friend theterror9 when someone added 27k to decap right before I deccaped
him and thus our clan was made.
Reason we should accept:
Best mods:
Why Deities?:
Have you donated to the bank? if so this will help you get into the clan if not then if you want to send tc to ScarpiBank:
A little extra information:
Activity (0-10):
also for any clans that want to ally with us or be the vain of our existence posting single enemy or ally requests is now illegal. Do this with PMs, IRC or ingame instead.
Same goes for 'good luck' posts.