Originally Posted by tism View Post
HahAHahahahah albus is a gay nerd

I hope your whole family gets hit head on by a Mack truck and are completely annihilated, no one will cry because they don't give a fuck about your low income peasant family, they are the dirt I wipe off at the double wide front door of my four story mansion. Also I'll pay for your families remains so I can have them turned into paper so I can wipe my ass after I've taken a six billion dollar shit on your fucking head. Now cut your insecure wrists deeper next time, I suggest something along the lines of a rusty butter knife because that's the only thing you can even imagine affording which you'll still probably have to take a loan out on you piece of fecal dandruff.
Last edited by Albus; Aug 3, 2015 at 01:23 AM.
[03:39] <idabosswiz> can't you just set up a pass for ddos?