Also I changed my mind about not talking about Islam (feel free to re-read first post, it has been changed). As long as we are not talking about the morality of the religion or how beneficial it is overall, then it will almost certainly be fine.
It's going to be difficult to talk about an ideology in the context of terrorism without going into its moral guidelines. The whole discussion is about terrorism which (Im confident in saying that most people agree) is caused by geopolitical, socioeconomical and religious reasons. I don't think anyone sane is denying that there are religious motives for these attacks. Thus not talking about the morals of the religion that is a partial cause to these attacks feels like missing the point. I understand you dont want the thread to turn in to "why is islam shit, or is it?" -thread, but the question of terrorism caused by ISIS in western countries is entwined with the question of the morality of islam.
I find Islam to be in an almost unique situation as a religion. Im 100% comfortable saying that islam as an ideology, not taking people into account, is worse than extreme facism. And the same could be said, bit to a lesser extent, about other religions as well. Just read some of the "holy" rules written down, the death penalty is thrown around like a playground insult. But the unique situation with islam is the amount of support the radical side of islam receives. In an ideology where there is no leader or the leader is absent, aka god, it's up to the people to decide how to conduct their lives in the context of that ideology. And thus, no single person gets to decide for others what a "real" muslim is like. And when there are hundreds of thousands of people who believe in the worst of islam, islam becomes partially a religion that supports rape, murder, homophobia and chauvinims just to name a few. I honestly, as controversial and provocative as it sounds, believe that open loathing towards islam and religion in general would be good for the human kind in the long run. But as long as there are billion people believing in the same religion, with wildly different interpretations of how to live by it, we obviously cant hold all of islam accountable for terrorism.
But the matter of how to counter terrorism is pretty simple (in theory), it's education.
We know that socioeconomical and geopolitical factors are prevelant in the developement of radicalization, but we also know that wealthy western middle class teenagers are sometimes drawn towards radical ideals. I believe that a secular education of science, philosophy and history is the way to remove radicalized ideals from a society for the most part. Obviously political stability, wealth and equality are the foundations for a functional community but proper education is in my opinion the end goal.
Last edited by cowmeat; Mar 23, 2016 at 06:59 PM.