Hi, i'm sdsman or Logan IRL. I live in Canada at the current age of 20, I want to join RelaxAll because it sounds like a good clan to make friends with, interact with people and to RelaxAll. I am a 2nd Dan black belt (as you can see) I also think its a good place to settle in as i take multiplayer more seriously. I also decided to join this clan because it seems a great place to make friends and have fun. I have past clans that are Electric OX tether and Assassins. To join this clan i believe involves activity and i`m really active I also decided to join this clan because the people here seem very nice so developing relation ships i think should be easy. This clan is like a dream to be in i tried applying before this clan and got rejected, so i hope i get in this time. ill send some of my best replays that involved me to relax all and one multiplayer one. I can`t make art because i don`t gimp or ms paint, but hopefully that does not stop me from getting in.
for my
Hope i get in, hope someone sees this and hope i get in. That`s all i got sooo yeah thanks for reading this and have a good day
Last edited by k6vamees; Aug 27, 2015 at 04:58 PM.