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Virtual Reality?
Would it be possible for VR to become a possibility?
no im not talking about a screen 1 inch from your face that has panoramic properties
im talking SAO level VR!

Well is it possible? and how would we go about pulling this off
Nomad Moderated Message:
Be more straightforward with your uplifting messages or I'll fucking skin you alive.
Oculus Rift was a massive step up, in the sense that it made the 6 degree of freedom possible for gamers. Anything at the standard of Sword Art Online's interpretation of VR will definitely take a while yet, but it's my imagination that tells me that it's most certainly possible.

Obviously, developers should be weary of incorporating any mechanics that have the potential to cook someone's brain as shown in SAO, otherwise there would be a certain irony to that.
Last edited by MintCat; Aug 10, 2015 at 02:04 AM.
Almost anything is possible, but I say no way. Unless you plant a chip in your brain and some kinky other things. It just seems so complex.
Curious aren't you.
We would have to map the spinal columns confection to the brain and be able to safely detach and reattach the neurones and replace them with electrical ones to give sensory data. We would also probably still need a screen for vision and headphones for sound.
Good morning sweet princess
It's possible, to be honest it's about to get real. Oculust Rift is the most possible gadget for gamers to be able to feel the Virtual Reality games, there are only a few games playable for it though, it's keep on developing and such.

It's going to be real soon, just need some more time, well there's no limit in humanity's intellegence and creativity, it's 99% possible. The thing is, either the game that kinda like Sword Art Online is going to appear/release or not. There are a lot of mmorpg games already, but it's hard to find an anime mmorpg these days, with good quality and stuff. So, let's just wait.

I'm kind of looking forward to it aswell.
REZ | Grin like the world is going to end.
Whenever you makes real expression, everything just feel good.
Originally Posted by Kirito View Post
no im not talking about a screen 1 inch from your face that has panoramic properties.

Originally Posted by 12ez View Post
It's about to get real. Oculust Rift is the most possible gadget for gamers to be able to feel the Virtual Reality games.

12ez, read the thread's first post more thoroughly. The Oculus Rift counts as a screen 1 inch from your face with panoramic properties.
Good morning sweet princess
Originally Posted by Zelda View Post
12ez, read the thread's first post more thoroughly. The Oculus Rift counts as a screen 1 inch from your face with panoramic properties.

Just picking up an example for VR-ish gear. Not really talking about Oculust afterwards.
REZ | Grin like the world is going to end.
Whenever you makes real expression, everything just feel good.
I'm curious about how you would stimulate the feelings in the game, lets say you get hit with a pebble in the game(haha) would there be chemicals released into the brain to stimulate the feeling? that's pretty sketchy so no to that. Hmm what about electrical waves? If you send electrical impulses that would activate parts of the brain responsible for feeling and let the eyes take care of the rest?(you see yourself get hit by the pebble and the NerveGear (placeholdername) sends an impulse to the proper part of the brain and the image you saw would trick your brain?
Nomad Moderated Message:
Be more straightforward with your uplifting messages or I'll fucking skin you alive.
rift is too overrated, i'd go with vive, or something else that use IR tracking to avoid delays causing by motion sickness.

something like rift+trackIR or similar technology

head mounted displays were real DECADES ago, the only difference is - now they can be small enough and cheap enough to produce massively, and there is a demand for it

on the subject of virtual reality, i'm very positive that messing with surgeries on open brain are not required, as most stuff can be wired on neck
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
I'm not sure you could deliver the electrical signals to neurones precisely enough without surgery since most of them probably wouldn't be exposed without surgery.
Good morning sweet princess