Original Post
Itīs me
Hello again

Hope you like my replays^^

a madman: A madman, which is sometimes a bit stiff, but itīs my second one at all...

again madman: Its a madman, too. I think itīs better, cause it gets faster at the end^^.

spinning kick: I grab his arm, swing around and then hit ukeīs head. I think, itīs nice.
please rate!
Attached Files
N4U a madman.rpl (163.9 KB, 8 views)
N4U again madman.rpl (216.3 KB, 6 views)
N4U spinning kick.rpl (87.8 KB, 7 views)
Last edited by Not4You; Nov 27, 2008 at 10:41 PM.
sry for doublepost, but itīs unfair, that you donīt even watch all my replays.
btw you donīt post anything

i wanted to know you opinion ībout my replays, but you ignore it.

so please watch and rate
the madman has a very long pause, and I'm afraid it's mostly ukegrating anyways... not the worst I've seen though, by far

the second madman is better, as you said. Not for the reason you stated, though. In my opinion it's better because of the cleaner strikes in it.

Nothing bad about grabby decaps, but that's only if you follow up with a combo. A decap as the only feature of the replay isn't enough to justify a grab, in my opinion.
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!
Originally Posted by Archlurps View Post
the madman has a very long pause, and I'm afraid it's mostly ukegrating anyways... not the worst I've seen though, by far

the second madman is better, as you said. Not for the reason you stated, though. In my opinion it's better because of the cleaner strikes in it.

Nothing bad about grabby decaps, but that's only if you follow up with a combo. A decap as the only feature of the replay isn't enough to justify a grab, in my opinion.

thanks for the feedback

i edited the last one and this is it:

tell me, what do you think ībout it.
( it hink, itīs funny, that i use my feet at the end to dm^^)
Attached Files
N4U spinning 3.rpl (180.2 KB, 2 views)
Last edited by Not4You; Nov 29, 2008 at 11:24 AM.
very good mid-progress madman with non-worst-case grabbing. I really like the headbutt, although the reason for that is that it looks like a shoulder ram (make it one and it's even better. My next tip is to pose your replays. Also in this exact case, you could DM the arms from each other, not that hard from the position you get yourself into, and would make the replay more whole.

great work!
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!
i made it better^^

DMed arms from each other at the end^^

only 1 DM more and it would be a madman, or not?
Attached Files
N4U spinning 3.rpl (190.8 KB, 4 views)
no, it IS a madman: legs apart, arms apart, chest not intact (head not attached, but I don't consider that a requirement). very good madman! The next bigger step is nograbby, but do this for a while first to learn the ropes better.
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!
hmmm... youīre right

i thank you, cause without you, i wouldnīt have done it that good^^

iīll train this as often as i can to get better