Originally Posted by DarkKawaii View Post
Belt: On this account Green, but on my other accounts I'm black belt.
Comp Mods: Spar, Mushu, Judo, ABD
Alts: TheJesterMan
Previous Clan: On another alt, Death Note (Name: GenericLez)
[Did Not Leave DN]
Why You Need Me: I'm very skilled at this game, and I'm very active in it, teaching new people how to get started and teaching people moves.

Irl Name: Emily
Age: 18 (19 on 23rd)
Something cool: Nothing in real life? Except good art and handwiritng? But ingame I'm a good player?
Player Card: I have some viruses that wont allow me to put my player card here >_>
Skype Name: james.cookie2 ( My borhter named it >_> )
Replays: Again with the viruses =/
Country: Wales
Oh I'm also a good stroy writer

Yeaaaah, no.

PM me if you need anything