Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
Cat or Dog Person or Both?
Hello, I am AnaminusX

When people think of dogs they think of social and outgoing
When people think of cats they think of quiet and introverted

To me I like cats and dogs but what do you guys think?
Might want to make this a little more discussionable before Moonshake smites the.

But honestly I like dogs more. They seem to require less work
I'm a cat person, had a cat since I was a kid, but I prefer to have a domestic cat/house cat or whatever you call them since I think they not really need that much treatment like that expensive cat, plus they're better at defending themself outside. But currently only 1 left in my parent house, his sibling was suddenly lost when he got his puberty(he was looking for female cat around the house).

My current cat name is Obel(pronounced o bell). Really miss him since I'm not with him anymore now(I moved to another town).
Here some of his photo I took in 2014 :


I hope my mother gonna find him a female cat so he will not be the last of his descendant.

Anyway I want to like dog too because it looks like they're smarter than cat, but I don't have any idea how to start a good communication with them since what I know dog is more aggressive than cat, especially if you never meet with the dog before.
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I am a dog person.

Cats only fend for themselves, but people buy dogs to get house security, and companionship.
pm me your questions or applications

dance with my dogs in the night time
cash to burn