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[Art]Decor Skull
Hello, I am studying in Liepajas University, and it's my first year in computer designs curse. I had a home work to make simple character and color him using mesh and live bucket tools (Illustrator cs6). And thats what I made. Would be nice to know your opinion.


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Our very cool It reminded me of La Muerte. Just a tip, note that the eyes of embroidery are in the same direction, I think we would be better off in opposite directions (do embroidery to a certain part, unlike the other eye) and the shadow should take a small part of the nose, because you skirted by out, but that's just my opinion.

That light that you gave on the top and side of the skull was very good.

Which college period are you?

Refers very Mexican skulls
Need one set or Head? PM-me.
Thank you for your opinion, its only first month in university for me, so now we learn the basics only
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Looks pretty cool.
would have liked it better if the big decorative "flowers/suns" that are on the top and bottom of ithe skull had more pointy ends, at the moment they are kinda round.
Also that one teeth bottom right is whiter than the others not sure if this what intenional but I think you should fix it.

All by all looks good, nice job
nice but u should change the outline to less point on some parts like teeth and top flower

also sadly illustrator got a bad coloring system sometimes messy with different colors as you can see a white thin line at the edges of the black outline

also outline style somewhere is not well chosen.

overally nice and really creative i would give a 7/10 at the moment
i liked it,looks like a plastic golden skeleton mask,good light/shadow effect
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
Thanks, for your opinions guys, gonna add some new works soon.
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