Of course religion is contributing to the society, how could one say it isn't. Religion (mainly seems to be christianity in this discussion) is a force for both good and evil in the world. The more important question is which is it doing more; good or evil?
How I see it is very grim. I see religion as a source of so much evil compared to the good it brings that I've grown to hate almost all religions, especially Islam, being the most fundamental of the Judaisms. The acts of discrimination, violence and bigotry committed by people who justify their acts by their belief in the supernatural just makes me want to vomit. Now before someone comes and spouts out the greatest one liner of all time "It's the extremists! There are good 'insert religion here" I have to add, belief in something doesn't make you evil by default, but I can positively say that it influences oneself.
Putting it like this is pretty simple. All Nazis (yes, I just compared all religions to the Nazi party) weren't evil to the core. How could you say that all the people in Germany during WW2 were monsters? All tho I'm certain there were some "good" Nazis (What a sentence), nothing removes the horrible things they believed in. You can be a good muslim, but I will still hate what you believe in, you can be a awesome christian but I'll hate your religion just as much.
People do good and horrible things regardless of their religion. But I feel like religion enables the one sort of evil only "faith" can bring.
"Think of an evil act that a religious person committed that a nonbeliever couldn't do, easy. Now think of an evil act that a nonbeliever could do that a religious person couldn't, you can't"
Ps. If you are a person who believes in some vague form of god etc. go for it. This is geared towards the mainstream "book" religions that ask you to follow rules from two milleniums ago.
I like how you bring up Nazis, who rejected religion. Same thing with Stalin I think.
Give an example of an evil thing which religious people can commit (and which an atheist can't) which is worse than the holocaust please.
We can talk about Stalin as well if you like. The purges were pretty horrific. I am not a historian and am very busy at the moment so I'm not going to try to argue either way, but I'm pretty sure the world wars had higher death counts than the crusades.
seriously.... Nazis literally had 'GOD WITH US' engraved into SS belt buckles. Nazis ddnt reject religion, they embraced it.
I'm pretty sure Hitler was anti-Christian if not at least dismissive of it. The holocaust was an act against a religion/ethnicity by an atheist. I'de say that's check mate for the crusades.
"Think of an evil act that a religious person committed that a nonbeliever couldn't do, easy. Now think of an evil act that a nonbeliever could do that a religious person couldn't, you can't"
I tried to do as you asked and now I am a troll? If I am missing the point of the thread, you baited me to. How about you stop crying "troll!" everytime you fail to properly express your points?
I hate how people have and are using religion as a sort of leeway for killing the people they dislike (terrorist groups for example)
Personally I find westboro baptist church is an example of using religion to hate those you don't like.
You're trolling or actually you are just stupid which is sad.
First of all Hitler literally wasnt an atheist.
Secondly, atheism wasn't the cause of the holocaust you freaking dimwit.
that logic is so incredibly flawed.
by that logic you could say:
"The holocaust was an act against a religion/ethnicity by an mustached person"
And conclude that having an mustache makes you commit genocide.
Once again, atheism doesn't cause crimes, ITS JUST NOT BELIEVING IN A GOD. That's it.
Hitler did not commit any crimes in the name of atheism, nor did Stalin etcetc.
So even if Hitler was an atheist, it wouldn't matter, he also had black hair but that doesn't matter either.
please stop trolling your own board.
I shouldn't have to, right? You understand how utterly ridiculous that statement is, right? Atheism, just like any other ideology, can drive someone to commit crimes.