I think it would make sense to shoot them down (with all this ISIS stuff)
After this, Russia sent helicopters to search for the downed jet, and one of those also got shot down.
Basically Turkey told Russia to stop killing Turkish civilians in Syria (even though they claim they're only killing islamists) and to stop entering Turkish airspace to do so. (source)
A lot of things relating this incident have been happening. If you want to read some more on it:
1, 2, 3
Turkey are idiots. NATO has been posturing for war for a long time but they probably don't actually want war right now. Really who would authorise such a strike without considering the consequences and without aiming for a diplomatic solution.
The fact that even in Turkey's potentially bullshit reports they think that 2-3km / 15 seconds is justification for destroying a plane and the rescue chopper is proof that Turkey are just full of shit.
I hope NATO hang em out to dry.
Explain this to me, why should the existence of ISIS mean that it makes sense to randomly shoot down other people's planes? If anything, wouldn't that be a reason to shoot at ISIS, not the people who are fighting them? Or you are pro-ISIS?
Russia shoots turkmen people. not isis. too many civils died there. i dont think this will cause ww3 because when you dont mind 10 warnigs and keep breaking borders and got shoot from ur butt there's no ice dildo politic rules to cool it down. Thats not a war reason. And didnt hear that chopper story. its probably bs.
This wasnt a mistake, wasnt a random move. its revenge of our people given to our hands from russia itself
Russia shoots turkmen people. not isis. too many civils died there. i dont think this will cause ww3 because when you dont mind 10 warnigs and keep breaking borders and got shoot from ur butt there's no ice dildo politic rules to cool it down. Thats not a war reason. And didnt hear that chopper story. its probably bs.
This wasnt a mistake, wasnt a random move. its revenge of our people given to our hands from russia itself
The Syrian Turkmen Brigades are hardly civilians. They're trained and fully equipped terrorists trying to bring down the Syrian government. Turkey is directly responsible for arming them due to their closeness with turkmenistan.
The plane did NOT breach any international regulation regarding airspaces. Turkey jumped the gun big time. The plane was within the 2 mile buffer according to the radar releases.
If this wasn't a mistake, then it's an act of war and Russia should nuke the turk scum into the stone age. Erdogan signed his own death warrant by fucking with Putin.
Nope this doesn't give them right to do it. Its their mistake. It was a commit suicide and succeed..
Firstly, if you are aggressive terrorists I really don't care about your ethnicity. I hope you are happy because your precious turkmen not only shot at the pilots as they parachuted out (illegal combatants don't have to follow the geneva conventions, I'm sure you will argue...) and executed one of the pilots.
Allegedly 10 warnings with no response (hint, if a pilot doesn't even acknowledge you hailing them, then they probably can't hear you)? Obvious bullshit. Russia did not previously threaten Turkey's border, they have no proof that drone was Russian and their "kill on sight" policy is clearly meant to start shit with Russia.
Bullshit... You can't call anyone you want terrorist. And Turkmens are protecting themselves they can shoot Pilots if Jets actually came to shoot them.
10 warnings with no response = I don't care what you say... I don't care your borders. If they cant hear the Jet was probably broken. We meant to fix it *COMPLETELY*.
One of the rescue helicopters was shot at by turkmen (wow protect the peaceful turkmen!) killing a marine, and forced an emergency landing, the helicopter was then destroyed by the FSA.
It wasn't Turkey. It was shot in Syria borders. By Syrian people. So yeah. I'm happy they shot it. That's a war between them.
Syrian Government and Russia attacks Turkmens and Syrian People who are against Esad. And you saw how we show who we support.
Turkey has been actively supporting ISIS, and has now even attacked people who are fighting them. How can anyone think this is acceptable?
We don't support ISIS. They are using name "Muslim - Islamic" and killing people. We don't think they are Islamic because nothing in Quran says kill civils, unarmed people or cut their heads off wildly... And Turkmens aren't ISIS. Because ISIS also attacks on them. "
Russia has relocated a missile cruiser to the area and is flying escorts, so it is safe to say that if Turkey try any cute shit again then they can expect at least a proportional response.
Meh! No one gives a shit about this one...
You both don't have any clue what the terrorism is. In west countries there's a perception if you are against government and system it makes you terrorist.That's completely wrong. Because right people become terrorists when terrorists take over the city.
Esad is a dictator. You cant call the civils in Syria terrorists because they are against the government. Syrian Government kill everyone against their ideas. They bomb their own cities. So people trying to get their freedom aren't terrorists
People who are running out of their country because of Fucking Government and "fake-islamic" terrorist groups, are unarmed. And Russia works with Syrian Government to kill both ISIS and civils at the same time. To clear that area and make some places for them to get a more strategic location.
You aren't even close to there. Do you think the things you read and watch are truth? How would you think Beşşar Esad is right? Is that because he does what is beneficial for your countries? Is Turkmens and ISIS same for you? Forget about this. Try to learn more than what media shows you. Remove that big horse winkers
Posting in size 50 font doesn't make you right
But if I'm right this makes you focus on the font size and complain about it. I'm trying to break what they put in your broken brains because its not true. Start thinking objective/non-beneficial.
The path of the aircraft is included in the article http://theaviationist.com/2015/11/24...ns-ruaf-su-24/
There is absolutely nothing to suggest that it was anything but a rash and stupid action on behalf of the ottoman horde
bla bla...
This is OBJECTIVE data that even the most defiant turk can't ignore and cast aside as subjective because they're too busy whacking off to pictures of eyes and not eating bacon
Its Arabs, not Turkish people. You show how ignorant you are. Thank you
The audio cannot be confirmed, but seeing as no turk aircraft came to escort the plane or even check if the crew is alive, this is a war crime.
Even in the link you gave there's warning sound shared at the bottom of page. Also THIS. Turkey f16 pilots repeat this 10 times every 30 seconds for 5 mins. Standart warning distance is 10km but f-16 pilots started warning at 15km. US confirmed this. Russian bombers still ignore. Yeah they cant tell the truth. That's normal.
Also, the turkmen brigade are by definition terrorists. The turkmen came to Syria for the sole purpose of ousting Assad. They have been known to carry out lethal attacks in damascus against civilians. They are also armed and trained by Turkey, and directly oppose and attack the kurds who you claimed were brothers in this. The turks and basically all the other people in the region hate the kurds, the kurds have the sole opposition to ISIS on the ground. Turkey supports ISIS against the kurds and has bombed kurdish positions in the past, because Turkey dreads the creation of a kurdish state.
Turkmens aren't terrorists. If you think they are your definition about terrorist is wrong. Assad works for other countries. He's a traitor. He does split Muslims as Sunni and Shiite. That makes people against him.
I am a Kurd myself. The people who says we are Kurds and joins PKK are actually Armenians. Kurds aren't PKK. Selahattin Demirtaş, Abdullah Ocalan all of these are sons of Armenian bitches. I would like to see ISIS and PKK destroying each other. But there's no reason to support one of them.
If you don't believe what I have said, feel free to read these articles with valid and objective views on Erdogan's position
*Sided Media Alert*
"Turkey is never on the side of tension or hostility. We're always for peace and diplomacy. And we will maintain that attitude. We will not tolerate our borders being violated. And no one should expect us to," Erdogan said.
"We do not have any intension to escalate any situation, we are only defending our security," he added.
You said that Russia are not fighting ISIS, yet Russia has destroyed large amount of their infrastructure and have brought their nation-state to their knees in just weeks
I'm not quite sure what you want the Russians to do other than send ground troops in(which they are already doing btw). The turkmen scum and the fsa are terrorists and contain active members of al qaeda/nusra/other various terrorist organizations.
You're defending the indefensible.
You are trying to make defensible indefensible.
Ground troops are for cleaning the area from Turkmens for Esad. Not for cleaning ISIS. Because even ISIS goes there and instead of fighting against Esad they fight against Turkmens.
As far as I'm concerned, you're an ISIS/Turk shill